Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tentative daily schedule

1. Welcome: 5-10 min. 
- Hang up backpacks, welcome song, get a circle time cushion
- Show and tell
- Calendar 
- Intro letter of the day (see it, say it, draw it with tracing boards)

2. Table time: 5-10 min. 
- Letter do-a-dots
- Letter worksheets (handwriting, etc)
- Letter coloring page

3. Literacy building: 20 min. 
- Letter-themed book
- Literacy activity

4. Fine motor skills: 20-30 min. 
- Craft-themed book
- Craft/art activity

5. Numeracy building: 5-10 min. 
- Intro number of the day (find on number line, show on fingers, stack it, jump it)
- Numeracy game 

6. Sensory play: 15-30 min. 
- Play-themed book
- Sensory directed play/activity

As time allows: 

Music circle time
Super Skills role play

Snack time

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