Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Tentative daily schedule

1. Welcome: 5-10 min. 
- Hang up backpacks, welcome song, get a circle time cushion
- Show and tell
- Calendar 
- Intro letter of the day (see it, say it, draw it with tracing boards)

2. Table time: 5-10 min. 
- Letter do-a-dots
- Letter worksheets (handwriting, etc)
- Letter coloring page

3. Literacy building: 20 min. 
- Letter-themed book
- Literacy activity

4. Fine motor skills: 20-30 min. 
- Craft-themed book
- Craft/art activity

5. Numeracy building: 5-10 min. 
- Intro number of the day (find on number line, show on fingers, stack it, jump it)
- Numeracy game 

6. Sensory play: 15-30 min. 
- Play-themed book
- Sensory directed play/activity

As time allows: 

Music circle time
Super Skills role play

Snack time

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

A and 0 (day 1)

Luke came home with the most darling ALLIGATOR crafts today!

 (In true Luke fashion, he didn't want to get messy with the paint, so he got to use paint markers instead, for "scales"). 

He's telling me how they glued the teeth on the A to make an alligator. If that's not the most creative letter craft, I'm a ham sandwich. 

They got to read like a half dozen alligator books from the library for story time, too. 

Luke's poor teacher had the power out at her house after a storm ripped through here last night, so they got to be adventurous and do preschool by window, lantern, and flashlight!

Of course Luke also got time to play with his best little buddy. "Mom, he has Legos at his house! I wish I had Legos at my house!" Need I explain that we've recently introduced the idea of asking for something for Christmas, and he's been milking it for all it's worth?

Even snack time was A and alligator-y. They had apples, of course, and fish because alligators eat fish!

And okay, final picture, just because James wanted some shots of himself. 

 Wait, let me make sure we're representing things accurately:

Yup, there we go. That's more like it. 

First day of preschool!

The trouble with trying to be more laid back is that it sometimes turns me into kind of a flake. Case in point: Scott's home on a delicious 4-day weekend this week with Labor Day, and he spoiled me this morning by getting up with the baby. Consequently, I woke up to, "Honey, there's an alarm going off on your phone that says Take Luke to Preschool." Luke was still asleep, too! Boy am I glad I set that alarm at least...

Wild and crazy rush to get out the door notwithstanding, Luke was SO excited to go to preschool. He packed his stuffed animal du jour (a ratty old teddy bear) and a dice (??) in his Elmo backpack and was ready to conquer the world. 

Who said he was allowed to get this big??